UrbanYou FAQ

  • How does UrbanYou Work?

    UrbanYou is the leading platform for connecting individuals looking for household services with top-quality, pre-screened independent service professionals – from home cleaning to lawn mowing to carpet cleaning! With a seamless 60-second booking process, secure payment, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, UrbanYou is the easiest, most convenient way to get stuff done around the house.

    1. Select the date and time you’d like your professional to show up
    2. We’ll confirm your appointment and take care of payment electronically and securely
    3. On the big day, an experienced, fully-equipped professional will arrive at your home ready to get the job done right.
  • Who are your Service Pros?

    We continually research, listen to recommendations, and meet countless numbers of service providers to secure our growing network, boasting the best local service professionals. Your safety is our priority, so all our Service Pros are police and reference checked, and tested in the field. See our dedicated Trust & Safety page for more information.

  • What is the UrbanYou Satisfaction Guarantee?

    We strive to delight and deliver on every service. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, we’ll do our best to make it right. Please contact our Customer Happiness team within 24-hours of your service, and we’ll happily send your professional back free of charge.

  • What does your Bond Back Guarantee cover?

    UrbanYou offers total confidence with our team of specialist End of Lease cleaners . With our Bond Back Guarantee, if your property manager isn’t satisfied with any of the cleaning performed by our teams, simply notify us within 72-hours of service completion and we’ll arrange for the cleaners to return free of charge to re-clean those areas. To be eligible for a Bond Back Guarantee, you must accept and pay for the full number of hours recommended by your Service Pro to complete the Checklist.

  • Do Service Pros bring their own supplies?

    Yes! Our service professionals come fully equipped with all standard supplies they need for your job. When completing your online booking, let us know if you have a vacuum & mop that the cleaner can use – this will make your booking available to a wider network of cleaners, as some travel by public transport. For cleaning, this includes all cleaning equipment and supplies including vacuum. However, this does not include consumables such as soil, plants etc. If your job requires consumables or special materials, you will be advised in advance. Our service providers can either purchase them on request or you can procure your own items.

  • Does UrbanYou offer office cleaning services?

    Professionals using the UrbanYou platform are available to clean offices. Please contact our Customer Happiness team for a quote.

  • I love UrbanYou! How can I tell my friends?

    Aaaw thanks we love you too! Tell as many of your friends and family as you’d like, and make sure they mention your name when booking – you’ll each get a $25 service credit.

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