How To Spruce Up Your Bathroom | UrbanYou | DIY Tips

The bathroom is often a somewhat neglected part of the home.  Compared to the bedroom or lounge, they’re often rather plain and little un kept, with not much thought into how they actually appear. Sure, they aren’t used for the most delightful of activities but then again, it is still part of your home, and thus it deserves a little attention.

How to keep your house clean and tidy during school holidays

Ah … School holidays … such an exciting time for a parent … It always seems like keeping your house clean and tidy is impossible during school holidays. You might manage to clean the house while the kids are out, but once they come back, its game over, and you’re back at square 1.  Between

Recycling starter kit

Unfortunately, we don’t live on a planet with unlimited resources, and consequently it’s important to get the most out of already existing materials.  The effort required to recycle might appear to make a minute difference, but if every individual recycled, there would be huge rewards.   If y

The Quickstart Guide to Decluttering Your Home

Nothing can compare to that amazing feeling of coming home after a long day full of activities, may it be with school, work, or other important matters. But does coming home to a messy and chaotic house give the same level of comfort a tidy one has? If you’re always on the go and can’t seem t

Outsourcing your life

There is an app for everything, and these apps are designed to make your life easier. Trevor Long demonstrates UrbanYou to showcase the seamless ease to find help around the home at the click of a button.